The One Simple Trick That Can Double Your Adsense

I've been working with Google's Adsense program for a while now. If you're not
already in the program, why not take a look at it now at I really like Adsense. It makes me money
and it's easy to work with. Just some simple copy & paste into your webpage
and you're done. Right?
Wrong! You can do it that way if you want. Who knows? Maybe you'll get lucky
and get a lot of clicks. But if you're really serious about making a lot of money
with the program, you're going to have to tweak it a little.
I've invested quite a bit of time experimenting with the program. When I first
signed up, I got some clicks and made a tiny bit of money. That wasn't good
enough. I knew there must be a way to get more of my visitors to click on the
Google has a strict policy about not pointing to the ads in any way or asking
people to click on them, so there were two things I couldn't do. What else was
Then I remembered reading an article once that discussed the psychological
impact of colors on the human mind. I started researching everything I could
find on the subject.
After a lot of reading, many tests and periods of watching my clicks go up and
down, I found the one color combination that seemed to work the best.
Testing previously done at supermarkets had revealed that the same product
could pull more sales from just changing the colors of the label. What were
these colors? Red and yellow! The combination of these two colors has an
immediate impact on the person who sees them. They make your eyes stop and
focus. They pull your eyes right to that part of the page. They grab your
attention! I'm not sure exactly why the combination of red and yellow does this,
but it does. On one of my sites, I changed my Adsense ads to a bright red
border and a yellow background with black text and URL.
My click through rate more than doubled with just that one simple change.
That's what worked on my site. Your site's color scheme may work better with a
slightly different color combination. Try lots of different color variations. Make a
change in the morning and let it ride for the whole day. The next morning, try a
different set of colors. Change the border, background, text. Change everything
you can. Most importantly, keep detailed records of the color scheme you used,
click ratio and revenue generated.
After you've done all the experimenting you want to, go back to the most
profitable one and let it run for a week or so and see how it does. I'm always
trying different colors even after my run of good clicks with red and yellow.
There are a lot of color combinations to choose from. You never know when
you'll find just the right one.
(c) Brad Bahr - All Rights reserved

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

6 Top Most Effective Link Building Tools

6 Top Most Effective Link Building Tools

Almost every webmaster and Internet marketer who is serious about his online business cares of driving more traffic to his website. We all know that the closer to the top in search engine results the site is, the more it is visited by Internet users. But how to get that cherished place on the first page in the search engine? The answer is link building. Link building is the process of getting links pointing to your site from other websites. The more incoming links your site has, the more value it represents for search engines. The quality of incoming links does matter too. In this article I'd like to suggest the tools you can use to build quality links to your website:

1. Articles. Write the articles about the products or services you offer on your website and submit them to article directories. The idea is to include a link to your site into every article. Each article listed in many directories has the potential to build thousands of links for you.

2. Bookmarks. A great idea is to bookmark your articles. Every time you bookmark an article, you are linking back to your website. You can bookmark the web pages with your articles with popular bookmark sites, for example and, these sites are growing in popularity by the day. Also, adding social bookmark links to your articles makes it easy for readers to save and share your content. You can use this Social Bookmarking Tool to bookmark your articles with more than 50+ social bookmarking sites.

3. Forums. You can search for forums related to your business and leave the posts on them. Include the link to your site into your signature and every post you make will become an inbound link.

4. Blogs. An off site blog is a great means for building links and gaining traffic because every post you make is a separate web page. Link to your website and you'll have a good inbound link. Also, think about blog commenting. Every approved comment adds one more backlink to your site. Using this blog finder software you can find hundreds themed blogs in minutes and submit your comments to them.

5. Social networking. With social networking link building comes in when you set up your profile. You'll make friends and drive traffic to your website.

6. Web directories. Directory submission is one of the best ways to get natural quality links for your website. The more directories you list your website with, the more inbound links you have. The easiest and quickest way to submit the site to web directories is to use a directory submitter tool. Directory submission software already has a large database of directories included within the program and automates the process of site submission. So, it is also the more time saving method of link building because you don't waste your time by searching the Internet for themed directories. You can find many companies offering fast, easy and free directory submission software on the Internet. Conduct a search for "Directory Submitter" or "Link Directory Submitter" in Google, Yahoo or MSN and you will find many websites that offer these types of programs.

Free directory submission software is absolutely the best SEO technique because it allows you optimize your new and existing websites as frequently as you would like and doesn't cost your anything.

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide

Build Links with Blog Comments

Build Links with Blog Comments

Relevance and Link Popularity are two main things we take into account when building links to our website. This means that we are looking for web pages that are relevant to the theme of our site and have high link popularity. Where is the best place to find those pages? Social Networks.

You can visit most popular bookmark sites, for example, and use their search to find what you want. You can enter the keywords like "link building" and the search will show you a lot of blogs related to your keywords. Then sort the blogs by the most diggs. You’ll get a page filled with stories that have been made popular based on the topic you’re looking for and chances are they’ll all have hundreds (if not thousands) of inbound links to that particular page alone. Select the blogs which do not have NoFollow tags.

You open a blog that has more diggs and see if it is the one you can leave a comment on. Since the comments system has been introduced, it's very simple to write a comment. When you submit a comment on other people's blog, you are usually asked to provide your name, email address, URL and comment text itself. Did you catch the idea? Yes, you use your keyword anchor text as your name. When your comment is posted, your URL is attached to the text you entered in the "Name" field and voila… you have one more backlink to your website. For example, instead of typing "Julia" as your name, type "Directory Submission Software", or whatever your site's top keywords are.

And… be sure to write something useful in the comment section, so it doesn't look like 100% spam. Post a comment only if you have something of value to add to the discussion and not just to get links. Your comment will be pending for approval and blog owners are much more likely to approve your comment if it is relevant. Remember, the only cost of your new backlink is a comment. So, take a few moments to write a meaningful comment. Note that you may not insert any links into the text of your comment because you already have a link in your name.

The key thing is to add a good comment. Most webmasters understand that people make their "name" something relevant to their site and they do not begrudge them a link if their comment adds to the content/discussion on their site. You can read the comments which are already posted by others and follow suite.

Many blog owners don't like to see keyword links in the comment "Name" field and will promptly delete the comments. Thus, you can use something like "Julia - Directory Submitter" as your name. That way it's still personal, but you get your keywords in the link. Other blog owners may not like the link in the name and will remove it.

The lesson here is that you can get quality inbound links from blogs if you're willing to do the work. Do not forget to visit every blog you posted your comment on and check if the comment was approved and if everything is in place (your name and link). This way you will discover the blogs where your comments are worth posting.

Once you find the blogs that allows you keep those kinds of comments, you can greatly reduce your workload by posting only to those blogs.

We've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide

Absolutely Free Way to Get Backlinks

Absolutely Free Way to Get Backlinks

I've been working at company's website search engine optimization for some time and I've always thought that the content of the website was everything. It seemed to me that a combination of keywords, meta tags, and actual content was the magic formula and that a wise balance of these components would guarantee one of the top positions in Google search results.

At present it seems that having good quality website content is not enough to rank well in Google. I have read numerous articles about SEO and discovered that SEO experts and many webmasters considered link building as the main SEO strategy. It seems that everything is about backlinks now. The site which has more backlinks from other sites wins. So, I decided to focus on backlinks.

How to get backlinks? The first thing I thought of was web directories. Web directories are online catalogues which accept the links to websites and sort them by different categories accordingly to the site content. There are directories that will add your website absolutely for free. Some directories require a submission fee. Others will ask you a reciprocal link in return. There are directory submission services on the Internet. So, if you don't have much time, you can outsource your site submission to a third party company. If you prefer managing your link building process by yourself, search for a directory submission tool. I used free website submitter to add my site to directories. Such tools already have a database of web directories so you don't need to waste your time for searching the directories on the Internet. I submitted my site to about 2000 directories in a couple of days. Link submission software also allows you submit your website with different anchor texts and descriptions so each submission looks unique and more natural. The directories place your submission to the validation queue. It can take days or even weeks for your link to be approved. So, be patient and don't expect an instant improvement of your site PageRank in Google.

Another good idea is Wordpress Blogs. Blog users can leave comments on the articles and stories they read. To leave a comment, you are asked to provide your name, URL, email address and comment itself. When your comment is posted your name becomes a link to your website. The key is to use your keywords as your name (although not all blog owners like it). So, I started posting comments in blogs that are relevant to our company's business using this little tool -- Fast Blog Finder. In order you don't take me for a spammer, I want you to know that I only posted a comment if I had something relevant to say. I have to deal with email spam every day so I hate spam whatever it is. Post a comment only if you have something of value to add to the discussion and not just to get backlinks. You can read the comments which are already posted by others and follow suite.

As my goal was to improve our company's website rank for the keywords related to our business, I put the keywords as my name and for my URL obviously a link to our site. Then I posted my comment. Like directory submissions blog comments are pending for approval. Now I must admit I made a blunder (yet I was doing it for the first time). I should have saved the links of the pages where I posted comments. You see blog owners may not like to see keyword links in the comment "Name" field and will promptly delete the comments. Other blog owners may not like the link in the name and will remove it. So, because not every comment is approved, you should find the blogs where the comments are posted and save them. You will return to those blogs later, post another comment and get one more backlink.

So, I worked at this for about two months. As I had other work to do, I didn't dedicate too much time to find blogs and post comments. I managed to leave 2-3 comments a day. After a couple of months I noticed that our website was listed higher in search results. Now it is on the first page in the results for our keywords. I should say that it's not a 100% guaranteed method but it is one of the possibilities to get a higher rank in Google. How much money could I spend trying to get listed? Now I get what I was looking for for free. And I hope someone else can benefit from this. Blog comments may stand as one of the truly free ways to get the search engine ranking you desire for the keywords you want. Isn't it a beautiful thing?

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide

Here are my Top 10 Questions to ask the merchant company so you can get what you paid for and reach your goals:

Here are my Top 10 Questions to ask the merchant company so you can get what you paid for and reach your goals:

  1. Are the directories in your software database well known across the web or are they just dummy sites? The company may advertise that they have thousands directories waiting for your website! What they don’t tell you is that no one knows about those directories, no one visits them. So no one will ever find your links. Ask for a few directories from their database. If they don’t seem credible, run fast!
  2. Do the directories in your database accept free submissions? Make sure that you won’t need to pay more to submit your site to the directories nor provide a reciprocal link.
  3. Does Google index the directories you provide? If Google doesn’t, then you are wasting your time and money as your link will never be seen by anyone.
  4. Do you ever update the directory database? If they don’t, look for any other directory submitter tool. As any other site on the Internet, the directories can “die”. You may get a live database of thousands directories now but in a few months only a hundred directories from the entire database may be still alive. Thus, you lose backlinks you paid for. So, ask the selling company if and how often they update the database by deleting dead directories and adding new ones you can submit your site to.
  5. Will I need to pay more for new directories? It has been from our experience that some companies charge an extra fee for the updated database. We think it’s not fair because you run the directory submission yourself. You spend your time. And you’ve already paid them for the quality directory database.
  6. Does your database contain many directories from the same IP address? Google may see the sites which have the same IP as having a "relation" with each other and thus treat them differently. It is quite possible that multiple links from the directories with the same IP address are not given full weight.
  7. Does your software allow alter the anchor text? You want to rank for different keywords in search engines and make your links look as unique as possible. That’s why you should be able to submit your site under different titles and descriptions. Good directory submitter software must allow you create a website profile with multiple titles and descriptions that will be rotated from directory to directory.
  8. Does your directory submitter automatically solve captcha? Most directories require the captcha code. You’ll waste much time for typing each captcha manually. Ask the software owner about the captcha solving capability. Good directory submitter software should be compatible with a decaptcher service.
  9. Can your software automatically confirm submissions? Many directories will send you an email to confirm your submission. You’ll make your life easier if the directory submitter tool can automatically check your mailbox for confirmation emails from directories and click on confirmation links for you.
  10. How will I know if my submission was approved or not? You definitely don’t want to spend hours for manually opening each directory in the browser and searching it for your link. Good software should be able to crawl each directory you submitted to, check it for your link, report you if the link exists and give you the URL of the page where your link is found. Ask the company if you can export the URLs to a file. You can ping those pages later or use the Backlinks Indexer service to help Google index your approved listings.
You want directory submission software from a company that cares about your success. Make sure that software you choose reduces the cost and complexity of your directory submission process, and that the support will guide you every step of the way. Follow these tips to ensure you get what you pay for! If not, you could be headed for failure.
I hope to see you all over the Web. 
Fast Directory Submitter is a friendly and easy-to-use semi-automated directory submission tool that allows you quickly submit your websites to thousands of free directories. With smart build-in features of Fast Directory Submitter, you can save a lot of your time, money and generate natural traffic to your sites.

Choosing Directory Submission Software: Top 10 Questions You Should Ask Before Spending Your Hard Earned Dollars

Building backlinks and increasing your site popularity with search engines using directory submission is the hottest SEO trend on the web today. However, the directory submission process is one of the most boring and tedious tasks around. Many website owners outsource directory submission while others choose to use a directory submitter tool and submit their sites to directories on their own.
How do you choose the best directory submission software to handle this important process? Follow these tips to avoid being deceived and ripped off from unscrupulous sellers.
Choosing Directory Submission Software: Top 10 Questions You Should Ask Before Spending Your Hard Earned Dollars
Building backlinks and increasing your site popularity with search engines using directory submission is the hottest SEO trend on the web today. However, the directory submission process is one of the most boring and tedious tasks around. Many website owners outsource directory submission while others choose to use a directory submitter tool and submit their sites to directories on their own.
How do you choose the best directory submission software to handle this important process? Follow these tips to avoid being deceived and ripped off from unscrupulous sellers.

Absolutely Free Way to Get Backlinks

Absolutely Free Way to Get Backlinks

I've been working at company's website search engine optimization for some time and I've always thought that the content of the website was everything. It seemed to me that a combination of keywords, meta tags, and actual content was the magic formula and that a wise balance of these components would guarantee one of the top positions in Google search results.

At present it seems that having good quality website content is not enough to rank well in Google. I have read numerous articles about SEO and discovered that SEO experts and many webmasters considered link building as the main SEO strategy. It seems that everything is about backlinks now. The site which has more backlinks from other sites wins. So, I decided to focus on backlinks.

How to get backlinks? The first thing I thought of was web directories. Web directories are online catalogues which accept the links to websites and sort them by different categories accordingly to the site content. There are directories that will add your website absolutely for free. Some directories require a submission fee. Others will ask you a reciprocal link in return. There are directory submission services on the Internet. So, if you don't have much time, you can outsource your site submission to a third party company. If you prefer managing your link building process by yourself, search for a directory submission tool. I used free website submitter to add my site to directories. Such tools already have a database of web directories so you don't need to waste your time for searching the directories on the Internet. I submitted my site to about 2000 directories in a couple of days. Link submission software also allows you submit your website with different anchor texts and descriptions so each submission looks unique and more natural. The directories place your submission to the validation queue. It can take days or even weeks for your link to be approved. So, be patient and don't expect an instant improvement of your site PageRank in Google.

Another good idea is Wordpress Blogs. Blog users can leave comments on the articles and stories they read. To leave a comment, you are asked to provide your name, URL, email address and comment itself. When your comment is posted your name becomes a link to your website. The key is to use your keywords as your name (although not all blog owners like it). So, I started posting comments in blogs that are relevant to our company's business using this little tool -- Fast Blog Finder. In order you don't take me for a spammer, I want you to know that I only posted a comment if I had something relevant to say. I have to deal with email spam every day so I hate spam whatever it is. Post a comment only if you have something of value to add to the discussion and not just to get backlinks. You can read the comments which are already posted by others and follow suite.

As my goal was to improve our company's website rank for the keywords related to our business, I put the keywords as my name and for my URL obviously a link to our site. Then I posted my comment. Like directory submissions blog comments are pending for approval. Now I must admit I made a blunder (yet I was doing it for the first time). I should have saved the links of the pages where I posted comments. You see blog owners may not like to see keyword links in the comment "Name" field and will promptly delete the comments. Other blog owners may not like the link in the name and will remove it. So, because not every comment is approved, you should find the blogs where the comments are posted and save them. You will return to those blogs later, post another comment and get one more backlink.

So, I worked at this for about two months. As I had other work to do, I didn't dedicate too much time to find blogs and post comments. I managed to leave 2-3 comments a day. After a couple of months I noticed that our website was listed higher in search results. Now it is on the first page in the results for our keywords. I should say that it's not a 100% guaranteed method but it is one of the possibilities to get a higher rank in Google. How much money could I spend trying to get listed? Now I get what I was looking for for free. And I hope someone else can benefit from this. Blog comments may stand as one of the truly free ways to get the search engine ranking you desire for the keywords you want. Isn't it a beautiful thing?

I've just scratched the surface in the article presented. You can find a lot more valuable information about how to increase your site popularity by building quality one way links here: Link Building Guide